
Foxit reader cpu usage
Foxit reader cpu usage

foxit reader cpu usage

That might sound like serious bloat on photoshop's part, but when working on large images it meant two orders of magnitude difference in speed. What of Photoshop? It wanted 2GB of RAM to work at maximum speed. This would normally be seen as a really good thing for Gimp. I'd perform work on 250MB image, and gimp would use little more RAM than that, no matter how it was configured for RAM use. In some areas, Gimp is WAY lighter on resource use. One of the opposite cases is some forms of image work when comparing apps like Gimp and Photoshop. Some are just what the original poster ordered - vim is certainly one of the good cases, it's powerful and manages a light footprint, and there are plenty of other tools that do phenomenal work whether it's running on eight xeons, or a single low-end 386. I'll have to go out on a limb and say I dropped expectations of absolutely minimal HD and RAM space for EVERY app I use, after continually coming up against programs that would go all out in being light in resource use, but couldn't do their job because of it.

foxit reader cpu usage

I prefer software that takes as little hard drive space and RAM as possible Oh yes, you little scamp, I love you too! y Should I buy that new sports car I've had my eye on? yĪm I really a good person, even after all those felonies? y Take for example the following conversation with yes: Yes is the perfect solution to life's problems. Yes always gives me the answer I need, as many times as I need to hear it. I'm not much of a gambler though, and I don't like to sweat. Sure, some people would use more unsure methods such as researching problems, talking to themselves in a mirror, or taking action to better themselves. Often I find myself needing something to tell me I'm correct about a tough decision, or to provide me motivation to do something, or just for some general personal validation. At least then you get an operating system included.Īs for general favorite bloat-free software, I'd have to go with /usr/bin/yes. Hell, if you're comfortable with that much bloat, you might as well just use emacs. At a lean 19k, it's far more efficient than ed. Ed is a bloated mess! It's 47K for god's sake! I use cat for all of my text editing needs.

Foxit reader cpu usage